Quick question about Henry's carpet glue


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
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I am getting ready to start cutting my carpet and glue SOME of the pieces down. Question: If I open my tub of carpet adhesive, do I have to do all the gluing at once or can I close it up and work on in it the next few days? Reading the directions is confusing. It doesn't say whether I could re-seal the tub after opening.
Thanks Kevin. I tried a small piece, worked out okay (I applied glue to both the carpet and wood) but the glue seemed to bleed thru the carpet. I probably applied too much glue. On my second try, I just applied glue to the wood. It looked better. Will continue tomorrow.
Yeah you should be able to, heck you can use it in like a year or two. My dad installs carpet, and sometimes I work for him, and he has Big 5 gallon buckets of Carpet Adhevsive that he just lets in his van, and he can use it whenever, he just stores it in the garage and when he needs it, he just uses it.
I did not use the backed carpet and had some bleed thru. You are right to only apply it to the wood and not to heavy. It will stick very good when dry.

Are you using the notched trowel?