Remote to tiller HP

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2009
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I'm looking to do away with the remote setup on a new boat i got. I'm wanting to make it into a tiller setup. How does the HP differ from one to the other, or does it?? I've saw some boats are rated X hp for tiller and X hp for remote. How does it translate?? I'm assuming the boat's rated HP is for remote, b/c it came factory with a remote setup, but i would like to go tiller. Thanks.
No difference in horsepower.I recently found out that some engines have different castings and can not be changed over from remote to tiller.I would sell your set up and just buy a tiller steer motor.
With a remote set up your weight is farther forward so you can run a larger motor.
lckstckn2smknbrls said:
With a remote set up your weight is farther forward so you can run a larger motor.
Thats most likely the answer there.
My boats rated 35hp tiller,60hp console.