Tin Boating in Saltwater Question


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Sep 16, 2013
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Hi All,
I am new to the forum ,I'm located in New Jersey and just purchased a used 18' Smoker Craft Alaskan.
I will be using this boat mainly in saltwater and have a question if there is anything on the market that would
protect the Hull from the corrosive affects of the salt. Clear coating or wax, just throwing it out there?

I plan on trailering the boat and rinsing both the boat, motor and trailer after each use.
I have read of aluminum boats having issues with corrosion and just hoping to avoid problems if possible.
A sacrificial anode. You'll want at least 2. One on the outside of the hull and another in the bilge area.
If you are not storing in the water you will be fine with a rinse - ran a 19' Sea Nymph for years and never had any issues

A good rinse and you are fine
x2 what Captain Ahab said....I boat only salt water in NJ with my tinny and a good rinse works for me..
You should actually have more concern for your trailer then the boat when mixing with saltwater. The SW will ruin all of your electrical fittings and eat away at a galvanized trailer pretty quick

When I ran in SW we used the Railway lift about 90% of the time out of Fortesque - do not know where you launch but if there is a marina with a railway or sling lift launch USE IT! Well worth the few dollars
Guys, i'll take your advice and make sure to do a freshwater rinse after use.
I will be launching out of Whale Creek marina, strathmere, NJ area.
I have a galvenized trailer would it make sense to attach a Zinc Anode to the trailer?
I do not think the anode would help the trailer much - might even hurt

Rinse it really well!

You might want to get some salt away and hit it with that once in a while - especially over the "off season"

Now - do you striper fish? If so - take me along :)
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=329573#p329573 said:
Captain Ahab » 17 Sep 2013, 11:00[/url]"]I do not think the anode would help the trailer much - might even hurt

Rinse it really well!

You might want to get some salt away and hit it with that once in a while - especially over the "off season"

Now - do you striper fish? If so - take me along :)

Capt, I fish mainly for fluke , but have caught a few small stripers.
In the past i have fished mostly off the beach , but this coming spring i will have the Tin boat ready for action.
If your in the Sea Isle area get in touch.
I've kept johnboats in saltwater for the last 30 years. My advice....paint the bottom with a coat of Interlux Interprotect primer, then a coat of Trilux 33 (bottom paint made for aluminum)

Then, install a zinc anode on the outside of the transom, below the water line. Run a bonding wire between this anode and the power trim anode of your motor (if equipped with one) If not, then run a bonding wire to the negative terminal of the battery from this anode.

Monitor the anode, when you see it is reduced to 75% of its original state, replace it. And keep an eye on the bottom paint. When you haul out, check it, and if any paint is missing, give it a light sanding, and a re-application of bottom paint. It's important to keep marine growth off the hull, because it promotes corrosion. Particularly barnacles, as the alkalinity of them seems to accelerate corrosion.

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