Tired of losing baits


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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
I'm not a big fan of wire leaders but I'm getting tired of losing jerkbaits,spinnerbaits etc.
Is flurocarbon good enough as a leader for pickerel/pike?
If so what size are you using,is 40lbs enough?
I think I'll buy acouple titanium leaders for now,they don't tend to kink up that much.
I'll use them when just targeting pickerel,there not to shy.
It's just that I smallmouth bass fish(mostly)in pickerel water and don't really want to use a wire/titanium leader.
Hopeing a flurocarbon leader will help me out.
I'm thinking this https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350393643616&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT.
Don't realy want to go to much thicker or should I?
You should be OK with a heavy floro leader. We reeled in a 6 foot hammerhead shark using 50 lb mono leader - of course the teeth did not ever hit the leader.

If there are lots of pickerel around a short wire leader will solve your problem
BaitCaster said:
I hate using leaders more than I hate losing baits! :D

Agreed... The wire leaders kill the action of your bait, and in my opinion, the pickerel, if they are anything like the pike we have here in Minnesota, will cut a heavy fluoro leader pretty easily if they get the bait inside their mouth... I have had them cut 40 lb braid on the hook-set multiple times. Those rows of teeth in the roof of their mouth shred pretty much anything but wire.

Then again, I have not seen the inside of a pickerels mouth, so I don't know how they compare to a pike...

*EDIT: does the pickerel have teeth like this?
