Winter Storage for Batteries and Bow Mount Trolling Motor

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Nov 6, 2012
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I run electric only lakes and have 4 12-volt batteries in my boat. I am curious if it is alright to leave them outside in the boat over the winter or any other suggestion I should do to make sure they stay healthy?

The boat will only be covered by a tarp and I live in Maryland so the winters don't get below 20 degrees usually.

Also, should I bring my bow mount trolling motor in from the cold and store it inside?

Thanks for any suggestions, Much appreciated!
disconnect the batteries and clean terminals and put on a coat of dielectric grease to help to protect from corrision. when you get ready to use again then clean if needed, check water levels, hit each one with a little charger action to make sure they all start with a good charge.

trolling motor: if you can bring it then i would and spray inside of it with WD40 to help remove any moisture that could freeze or cause rust. i use a freshwater TM in saltwater and give it a WD40 spray after rinsing with the hose.
If you have a smart charger you can leave the batteries hooked up all winter as I do, but my tin stays in an uninsulated shed. I usually cover the boat and put a trouble light under the cover in the battery area just to provide a bit of heat (or to ease my mind) as it can get cold in E TN at times, below freezing is not uncommon but seldom bitterly cold.

The batteryminder smart charger can maintain several batteries by daisy chaining the leads, they are a bit pricey but I've used 'em for several years, I usually get 3-4 yrs from my TM batteries trolling for crappie 99% of the time.
I put the tm and batteries in the garage and put the battery tender on a couple times during winter. I rotate the battery tender between tm battery, motorcycle and lawn mower.
Make sure NOT to set the Batteries on Concrete! Place them on a piece of lumber. Harbor freight has Float Chargers for around $6.00 with a coupon. I use these on my garden tractor, Motorcycle, boat Batteries, & Jet ski. They work as well as a $30.00 Battery Tender. My original Motorcycle battery lasted 8 years using the H/F Charger.
Here is a nice little read, about setting your battery on concrete.
Sneak them in the house and hide somewhere the old lady won't find them

As far as batterys on concrete... completely false.