1976 Mon Ark project


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Jul 26, 2012
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Here is my project. I used to fish out of this boat when I was kid. Mr. Mullins took me under his wing and taught me how to bass fish. I fished out of this boat from a kid through college. Last year I ask Mr. Mullins what he was going to do with this boat because he was getting too old to drive and fish by himself. I offered to buy. A few months later he invited me over for dinner with the misses. We talked about all the good times we had fishing out of that boat and all that he taught me. He hands me some paper work and tells me the boat is mine as a gift.

I was floored. :shock: He said he kids did not want the boat and they gave their blessing to give me the boat. His daughter is a year younger than me and we grew up together. She was actually the first girl I ever kissed. ;) We are still friends to this day. I am fixing this boat up so I can take my kids fishing and I promised him I would take him fishing again with this boat. He is so excited about getting out again.


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awesome story! =D>

This is the right place for aluminum boat info, It has helped me out a lot. Are you changing anything or just bringing it back to its former glory?
Restoring to original glory. I plan on painting the boat and trailer. Trolling motor works at one speed, so it might get replaced. Old motor still runs, but I am not sure how well.
A friend of mine is coming over to help fix the transom and weld a crack closed. :)
Old wood transom reinforced with 1/4 sheet of steel.

Mike working on the covers.

New wood transom. We will add the metal back and install the covers. Mike found some rivets that need to be replaced on the hull. So I have to remove the aluminum decking in order to replace the rivets. The aluminum decking needs to be replaced, but I was hoping just to paint over it. Looks like I will just have to replace it.
Great story! Nice to know there are still good folks in the world like you to neighbors to take care of each other! Have fun taking him fishing again!
2050z said:
Old wood transom reinforced with 1/4 sheet of steel.

How big was the steel? It must weigh a good bit.

Great story on the boat, I'm sure Mr. M will be much happier seeing you use the boat than selling it for a couple hundred to a stranger.
Great story, and congrats on the rig. =D>

Be cautious using steel in the boat. Aluminum and Steel don't play nice together and you're likely to have some corrosion at the top of the transom and knee brace, and possibly on the outside of the hull where your hardware is. It looks like in one picture you replaced the plywood at the transom, but not sure if that blue piece went on afterwards. I suspect that the bolts going through the hull, plywood, and steel will act like a conduit for the problem to spread. If nothing else, it may save you some aggrivation down the road after you've painted the boat.

If I'm not interpreting you pictures correctly, forget what I said. :mrgreen:
Great history on the boat and look forward to pics of the rebuild.

How about some of the daughter? :lol:
Ictalurus said:
2050z said:
Old wood transom reinforced with 1/4 sheet of steel.

How big was the steel? It must weigh a good bit.

Great story on the boat, I'm sure Mr. M will be much happier seeing you use the boat than selling it for a couple hundred to a stranger.
I haven't weighed the steel, but it has been in that boat since 1980. No corrosion whatsoever. We inspected the to make sure.

No pictures of the daughter.
mtydg said:
Great story! Nice to know there are still good folks in the world like you to neighbors to take care of each other! Have fun taking him fishing again!

He is ready to go fishing once it is complete.
Time to get this project complete. I am ready get this boat in the water.
Very sad news. My friend who gave me the boat passed away Monday night. I tried get it done so we could fish one more time. I will miss him.
All I need to do is fix one crack and then paint it. I will get a new trolling motor and smaller outboard.

Sanded one side and will work on the other tomorrow.
Where in the Dallas TX area can I get aluminum sheets? Thanks

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