5 hp outboard use for trolling


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Oct 1, 2019
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North Branch, NY
Hi all, first thing I want to wish all a "Happy Thanksgiving"!& may your day be filled with laughter, family, friend's & most of all your souls be filled with thanks to the Holy Ghost! Our Lord & Savior.
Well, my Q is about trolling!
I have a 5 hp merc. I wanted to throw on my 14ft. Mirr. Craft. I have been redoin the Buoyance foam & also choose to change floor rug am just about completed and pic's will be coming soon.
Thing is instead of putting a 50lb, electric motor on stern could I use the 5. hp at low throttle or would this be too fast for LURES & RIGG' set ups? I have used A 38lb on my jon with semi success, I say semi because I am running at 1/2 to 3/4 power & learned the hard way to carry a solar panel to recharge battery. Just wondering if the 5hp kicker would be too much?

Was Alway's told there are never stupid question's >
I have used twin cylinder Johnson or Evinrude 3 hp and 5 1/2hp engines on my Gheenoe and had to throttle up to start getting hits while trolling. Educated guess will be that you should be fine using it. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
If it would be to fast, there are many ways to slow it down...drift socks, even a 5 gallon bucket for starters. Adding a prop with less pitch works well, but caution if you open the throttle so the motor won't over rev !! Try trolling into any wind, that will slow things down.. Gotta try before you know for sure. If you can add extra weight into the bow, as the bow sets lower into the water that will also slow you down. Better to have a little more power than you need....letbus know how it works out....
Hi all, first thing I want to wish all a "Happy Thanksgiving"!& may your day be filled with laughter, family, friend's & most of all your souls be filled with thanks to the Holy Ghost! Our Lord & Savior.
Well, my Q is about trolling!
I have a 5 hp merc. I wanted to throw on my 14ft. Mirr. Craft. I have been redoin the Buoyance foam & also choose to change floor rug am just about completed and pic's will be coming soon.
Thing is instead of putting a 50lb, electric motor on stern could I use the 5. hp at low throttle or would this be too fast for LURES & RIGG' set ups? I have used A 38lb on my jon with semi success, I say semi because I am running at 1/2 to 3/4 power & learned the hard way to carry a solar panel to recharge battery. Just wondering if the 5hp kicker would be too much?

Was Alway's told there are never stupid question's >
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you my friend on the water! Thank you for standing up for our Lord Jesus Christ........." For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes": Romans 1:16

Good luck on your choice of trolling power.......!

If you have both a 5hp and electric trolling motor why not use both? Use the gas motor for getting you to and from where you will fish and the trolling motor for fishing. At least around here the fish sometimes like a faster trolling speed so there are times when either motor might be best for the situation.

After a bad experience a couple of years ago, I won’t go out with only an electric trolling motor. In that situation the wind came up when I was downwind from the dock. The TM would not push the boat into the wind. It was early spring and the ice had just come off the lake. If the boat were to capsize it would have been a dangerous situation. I’ve since moved to larger boats and adequate power to push the boat in foul weather.
Unless I was fishing in a small pond or lake, I woukd not trust electric only. Having gas on the back and a bow mount is an awesome setup. I use that for trolling. My little 2.2 hp is locked straight ahead and I steer with my remote controlled bow mount...works great !!
To all who ans. thanks !
As far as power goes on my 14ft mod v-hull I have a 25 hp merc. electric start & pull.
I am just trying to find a way for trolling without the excess luggage and weight in stern.
Most time it's me alone, lol! I have to laugh, as I am in a retirement area & not talking bad about my neighbors but what a bunch of fuddy duddy's > OLD FART'S, No one fish's around here let alone hunt!??? I mean REALLY??? I am by TROUT USA Town of Rosco which ok Wading, drift boating, & Delaware River OTHER DIRECTION but It's guide boats for out of staters & vacationer's / the lakes are mostly young folk's waterskiing & partying & jet ski's, then the kayak pack of seniors. So I catch first light and evening when all are pooped from day's outing. But where was I ? oh yeah weight wise it seems the battery & electric motor together weights about 25_30 pounds more than the 5 hp./ Although I like idea of both hand's free, mounting of electric on front of a v-hull with a receded platform & no area really for mounting a foot operated electric motor & I am no way any type of designer for trying to design something to modify the bow for one . I wouldn't mind the extra weight up front to even out me in boat with motor in back as I am 6ft 280-300lb around about & that's a lot of weight in stern and no weight up front in bow area . as you can see in pic a 2 in. roughly around about railing and drop platform IMG_20231002_173504001.jpgIMG_20230901_131837464.jpgany idea's im open
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If you have both a 5hp and electric trolling motor why not use both? Use the gas motor for getting you to and from where you will fish and the trolling motor for fishing. At least around here the fish sometimes like a faster trolling speed so there are times when either motor might be best for the situation.

After a bad experience a couple of years ago, I won’t go out with only an electric trolling motor. In that situation the wind came up when I was downwind from the dock. The TM would not push the boat into the wind. It was early spring and the ice had just come off the lake. If the boat were to capsize it would have been a dangerous situation. I’ve since moved to larger boats and adequate power to push the boat in foul weather.
have a 25hp outboard/ I hear yah about just electric is reason i have 6 hp on my jon along with electric side by side in back/ or if i have another with me battery and electric goes upfront & gets maneuvered by my guest . as long as they know what their doin
My point was not to rely solely on electric for safety reasons.

What airshot referred to in the 2nd half of his post was using both the outboard and a bow mount electric in combination. Typically done with a bow mount having a remote or programmable heading control. I’m aware of this technique on rivers but, I suppose it could work on lakes too.
My point was not to rely solely on electric for safety reasons.

What airshot referred to in the 2nd half of his post was using both the outboard and a bow mount electric in combination. Typically done with a bow mount having a remote or programmable heading control. I’m aware of this technique on rivers but, I suppose it could work on lakes too.
Yes, I understood the scenario of just relying on electric as far as safety & power goes when needed to get to where one wish's to go, As stated is why i have the gas to get me to & back & electric for trolling. However have to use at 1/2 to 3/4 power to get a decent Trolling power Hmmmm?? now I would figure stern gas would out power bow electric if using both & gas would also out power steering on electric as well so what would be use ?? pls. explain as I really not comprehending the use of both at same time?????You would really have no steering on electric as gas would be pushing as electric is pulling depending on location of electric motor correct? I guess I could see maybe low in forward drive on gas motor locked straight and higher power use of electric motor for steering for higher dragging on troll{ is this what you're saying?} remember your talking to a semi green horn still learning even at my age. lol!
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My point was not to rely solely on electric for safety reasons.

What airshot referred to in the 2nd half of his post was using both the outboard and a bow mount electric in combination. Typically done with a bow mount having a remote or programmable heading control. I’m aware of this technique on rivers but, I suppose it could work on lakes too.

What you describe is my go to set up on lakes. Troll with the outboard. Steer and keep headings with the TM at a low setting. Usually 25%. 35% if windy.
You would really have no steering on electric as gas would be pushing as electric is pulling depending on location of electric motor correct? I guess I could see maybe low in forward drive on gas motor locked straight and higher power use of electric motor for steering for higher dragging on troll{ is this what you're saying?} remember your talking to a semi green horn still learning even at my age. lol!

Yes, you have steering. Outboard is driving the boat forward. You don't steer with the outboard. Turn the bow mounted TM to turn the boat. TM can be at lower power than the outboard. Turn it to the right and the bow of the boat will go to the right. Turn the TM to the left and the bow of the boat will go left. All while the outboard keeps propelling the boat.

Even better, use the TM autopilot feature to keep the boat on a heading. This is really nice to have when fishing solo in the wind. Especially if you put the outboard in neutral while landing a fish. The TM at a low speed with keep the boat's heading in the wind so you don't have to steer and land a fish at the same time.

Just to illustrate, I might be trolling with the outboard at 2.6 mph. I steer and keep a heading with the TM. I would typically have the TM power at 2.5 out of 10 with the usual light breeze. If I put the outboard in neutral, the TM would propel the boat forward at less than 1.0 mph at that power setting.
I've done allot of trolling for trout with a 5 hp single lung tohatsu on a14' light build tin boat over the years. It was initially too fast but i swapped in a new (7 pitch?) prop and it worked well. That said, I do keep a basic 30 # electric on the transom if I want to run at/below 2 mph.
Yes most def. informative!!!
As this is all new to me with using trolling motors with gas motors together.
I super appreciate time & educational response!

I have no problem with saying I didn't know, or I don't know. Something I can pass on to grand kids
Thank You again!
Yes, I understood the scenario of just relying on electric as far as safety & power goes when needed to get to where one wish's to go, As stated is why i have the gas to get me to & back & electric for trolling. However have to use at 1/2 to 3/4 power to get a decent Trolling power Hmmmm?? now I would figure stern gas would out power bow electric if using both & gas would also out power steering on electric as well so what would be use ?? pls. explain as I really not comprehending the use of both at same time?????You would really have no steering on electric as gas would be pushing as electric is pulling depending on location of electric motor correct? I guess I could see maybe low in forward drive on gas motor locked straight and higher power use of electric motor for steering for higher dragging on troll{ is this what you're saying?} remember your talking to a semi green horn still learning even at my age. lol!
Not using both gas and electric to get from one place to another... trolling only!
The gas will overpower the electric if wot. I troll on the big lake and the gas and remote electric allow me to stay in my seat and fight/net my fish. Would never go on the big lake with electric only!! Being a big man, plus gas motor plus electric plus battery all in the back of a small aluminum boat = trouble in my opinion.
Not using both gas and electric to get from one place to another... trolling only!

Excellent. Thanks for clarifying

The gas will overpower the electric if wot.

Not to mention it is hard to get up on a plane when a trolling motor is hanging in the water off the bow. Don't ask me how I know. Hahaha

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