'75 Evinrude 9.9 Thrust Mount Repair


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2023
Reaction score
Cedar Lake, IN
Starting a new thread so that somebody else in my spot may be able to find it some day. Got the power head pulled off today. A bit of a challenge, but didn't break anything, so I'm calling it a win! The engine mount is pretty wasted, but figured it would be. Now just got to figure out the best way to proceed. Bellows look decent, but haven't pulled them out yet.

The inside of the, is it exhaust housing?......looks pretty nasty. Actually everything looks pretty used up. Can anyone tell me what gaskets/seals I need to order? Would it be cheaper to buy some sort of kit maybe? Attaching pics.


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You have the exhaust housing and your inner exhaust tube. Exhaust tube indicates the engine is or was a 9.9hp. Now would be a good time to update to the 15hp megaphone. Worth up to a couple hundred RPM usually.
There is no kit so it is individual parts and part numbers. Do not forget to replace your water tube grommets at this time. Did not see a pic of the adapter plate that bolts to the bottom of your powerhead. They will be located there. Good time to look at the thermostat as well and also a good time to replace fuel lines and overboard indicator hose, Loosen or remove coils and clean grounds, etc .
What do I need besides the water tube grommet? You imply there are more than one, am I understanding you correctly? My goal is to return it to service without spending too much money on it. I really don't have any use for this little guy, but want to make it work right. Clean the carb, clean and gap the points.

I'm stuck right now though until I order the grommet or grommets. I'm thinking I need more than just the one for the water tube, but I'm not exactly an expert at this stuff. Finding the correct parts isn't real easy for a noob like me. Hate to admit how often I order parts for these old machines and then find they won't fit.
It all starts with the model number then go to marineengine and get into their parts books. You will need one or both grommets at the tops of the water tubes that go into the plate below the powerhead, powerhead base gasket, and any other parts that are worn out. You will need to be the judge of that. The way to think about this is that you only want to do this job one time so order accordingly .
It all starts with the model number then go to marineengine and get into their parts books. You will need one or both grommets at the tops of the water tubes that go into the plate below the powerhead, powerhead base gasket, and any other parts that are worn out. You will need to be the judge of that. The way to think about this is that you only want to do this job one time so order accordingly .

Exactly! On jobs like this I tend to over do it replacing most items along the way. Although it is usually faster the second and third time once you get used to it. ;)
Well I'm hoping to not revisit this issue, but I get your point. I found the grommets on marineengine. I've also found them on Crowley for slightly less. Is Crowley legit? I sure like their diagrams better. Too much scrolling with marineengine.

Still debating what to do about the busted part. I can a used one, but it doesn't look all that much better than what I took out. Then there's the guy on ebay that thinks shooting some caulking into is is worth about $150. Even though it probably takes 5 mins and costs 5 bucks. Then how long will that last?

Seriously thinking of deleting the rubber. I just don't see anything pliable living for long in that environment. Nor do I see where it's necessary. Leeroy of Ramblings fame says to just strap it together which also would basically delete the rubber.
Well it's fixed. Seems pretty OK to me. Nice and solid, but with a little give like it should have. Total investment: $0. Replaced the rubber parts with isolaters of an AC unit and a chunk off a mud flap.

Guess time will tell how well my idea works out, but like the wise man said, if you have to do it over again it'll just get faster!

Have about 3 hours invested, hopefully can button in up in a couple more. Waiting on a water pump kit which includes the grommet I need for the water tube. I'll probably go ahead and throw a new impeller in it, I'm sure it could use it.


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Also think figured out why it started when I first got it, but never again. Pulled the air box/silencer thing off and it appears to be full of sand or dirt. Surprised it ran at all. Hope that crap didn't cause any serious damage.


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Top seems nice and solid and I don't intend to disturb it. Thanks for the headsup though Pappy.
Thanks again for the tip. I get where you're coming from. I'm still pretty new at this stuff.
Well after an unplanned 3 week break I got it back together this week. All seems well and ready for a barrel run. Thing is it's barely above freezing again, so it'll have to wait a few days.

Only problem is the markings on the tiller handle aren't where they're supposed to be. Is it possible to disassemble the hand grip end and reposition it so that the pointer points where it's supposed to? Sure hope this doesn't mean pulling the powerhead again. If so, I might just have to live with it.
Nobody??? Seems this is a pretty common issue. At least with the motors I've worked on.
Nobody??? Seems this is a pretty common issue. At least with the motors I've worked on.

Shoot. I don't know enough about this to even make a wild arsed guess.

Was it like that before the work on the motor or did something change to throw it off? Does it shift and throttle up/down like it should?
I'm not sure. I did have a bit of a hard time with the throttle rods, so I may have goofed it up. The gears though look like they can only go together one way. Haven't had a chance to run it yet. Weather has become rather chilly again. Guess I shoulda got out there on Monday when it was in the 60s, but it was also raining.
We had the same thing. Beautiful sunny days and then four days of rain. Though, having dealt with dought over the past few years, I won't complain about having rain.

I hope you figure it out.
For Gits and Shiggles I sprayed some fuel into the mouth of the silencer and she didn't even kick. Damnit anyway. Seems to have good spark. Had it running once before too.

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