If your a beginner, watch casting overhead on baitcasters. Remember 10 and 2. 10 behind you, 2 in front of you, I think I release around 1 or so and follow through to about 2 o'clock. Without casting, dry run a few times to get the hang of it. Have to make sure everything is set right on the reel to, if spool drag or magnetic brake set a little to tight with a lite lure, it wont go very far. I can get it to go further with a side cast then a overhead. (I have a weird hook with the lure around the tip, I guess for extra umph) Also when you start to get the hang of it, dont cast it very hard, if you mess up you'll be undoing a major birdsnest. I always find you can tell if your messing up before the release and I always stopped it with my thumb before to much went wrong. It all has to be done nice and smooth fluid flowing motion. This is how I learned it and good luck.