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You know, I remember in High School, some clown mouthed off to a teacher. Teacher knocked him on his a$$. Parents probably continued with the reprimand when he got home.
I never got knocked out for mouthing off to a teacher (though looking back, i should have lol) but I certainly remember the sound of my dad's belt flying out of the belt loops when he got home that night.
In the good old days when we messed up we were taken to the wood shed for a lashing from a leather strap; didn't take but a few of those before I fell into line with the rules, yes I was hardheaded, lol needed 2 whippings
How is it. according to today's convoluted logic, that you and Dubs didn't grow up to be axe murderers or lawyers?
How is it. according to today's convoluted logic, that you and Dubs didn't grow up to be axe murderers or lawyers?
Not to sure why I didn't grow up to be a lawyer (I guess I hated them first) my Dad grew up with the County Sheriff so crime was off the table. Life on a farm was great didn't have time for much but work, hunting and fishing, I guess that's why I didn't do axe murders as I was too busy killing deer, rabbits, turkeys, etc. lol
Not to sure why I didn't grow up to be a lawyer (I guess I hated them first) my Dad grew up with the County Sheriff so crime was off the table. Life on a farm was great didn't have time for much but work, hunting and fishing, I guess that's why I didn't do axe murders as I was too busy killing deer, rabbits, turkeys, etc. lol
Not to sure why I didn't grow up to be a lawyer (I guess I hated them first) my Dad grew up with the County Sheriff so crime was off the table. Life on a farm was great didn't have time for much but work, hunting and fishing, I guess that's why I didn't do axe murders as I was too busy killing deer, rabbits, turkeys, etc. lol

Yep, growing up on a farm or in a small town, everyone had part-time and summer jobs to earn spending money. Growing up I never had a time when I wasn't working. It was very common for parent's sign an under age work permit so we could start working fields. Between that, school, sports and other activities, I don't know how we had time to get into trouble, but we somehow managed to. Now days, and especially in the bigger cities, it seems a lot of kids don't have after hours jobs.
Yep, growing up on a farm or in a small town, everyone had part-time and summer jobs to earn spending money. Growing up I never had a time when I wasn't working. It was very common for parent's sign an under age work permit so we could start working fields. Between that, school, sports and other activities, I don't know how we had time to get into trouble, but we somehow managed to. Now days, and especially in the bigger cities, it seems a lot of kids don't have after hours jobs.
In bigger cities, few actually work, far to easy to collect freebies.
I never got knocked out for mouthing off to a teacher (though looking back, i should have lol) but I certainly remember the sound of my dad's belt flying out of the belt loops when h

I got in trouble in the first grade. If you're old enough you remember the mimeographed sheets that smelled so good. The teacher hung a colored in mimeograph of a frog on the wall. Handed each of us an uncolored one and we were supposed to color it in. I did mine very carefully, all inside the lines. Sat back and waited for the word of approval from the teacher as she came around the room. The next thing I knew, I was slapped so hard across the side of my face that I actually flew out of my seat and landed against the desk in the next row. This, accompanied by the words "you think you're smart don't you". I was dumbfounded, had no idea what I did wrong. The kid in the next row said "frogs are GREEN. I had no idea, I'm partially color blind--my frog was apparently bright orange. A teacher would be fired for that naw.