New Species Caught!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2007
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Yet another move closer to Ahab!!!
Went to my usual spot at about 9AM and fished till almost 5PM. Fishing wasent great but got 3 small bass that are not worth posting. The exciteing part was before I left I got this guy.... Who would of thought you could catch a needle fish on a 4" smoke shad tiki stick.


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Almost looks like some sort of Needlenosed Gar or something!!! Weird looking fish....

Did it fight at all?
whj812 said:
Did it fight at all?

No, it was like reeling in a big piece of bait. Actually the only reason I caught him is because he got all tangled up in my line when i set the hook. Good thing shinnerman77 was there to untangle him, them things have some nasty teeth. Heres another pic of em.


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Looks like a needle fish. Were you in salt water at all?

I have caught those guys while tuna fishing, thought I had a Marlin until I realized that it was not that far off - I have seen them caught in the surf as well, so they come inshore sometimes
Say goodbye to the Bass if Nile perch is in there!!! Those things are eating machines. They have decimated the population in lakes and waters that they have been introduced into!!
Nile perch, Nile perch, What is this fish you guys speak of:

God ****! :shock: