Tin Boats Trivia


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Can't believe how good I done today, maybe it's 'cuz instead of doin' it in the mornin' with coffee, I done it in the afterwork with vodka................
Hey, that is very cool that you guys know that movie...it really cracks me up...especially the sword fight scene between Indigo and Wesly.
When my wife watches Criminal Minds and Agent Gideon is introduced to someone, I say; "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!". She likes it, she just pretends it annoys her.
Popeye said:
When my wife watches Criminal Minds and Agent Gideon is introduced to someone, I say; "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!". She likes it, she just pretends it annoys her.

My wife does the same thing with just about everything I say. Hmmm. :LOL2:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

There are so many good lines in that movie!

"he's only mostly dead"
"There is nothing like a good BLM, bacon lettuce and mutton, sandwhich when the mutton is so thin"
It is an oxymoron...good observation.

I've always insisted that mailman was redundant...that's why they went to letter carrier - :lol: