Tinboats Fantasy football 2012


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Thats what i thought i read, but i am usually wrong 90% of the time. I propose 6-8 teams in a 3 week playoff next year especially at 14 teams. Thanks for the clarification.
One point away from the playoffs.........oh well my rookie season is coming to an end.......now I will mop the basement floor.
I don't get how I got knocked out of the playoffs. bigwave got a tie and it counts as a win? I may have to drop a line to the league about this, lol. So goes my dream of getting the trophy :cry:
BackWoodsTracker said:
I don't get how I got knocked out of the playoffs. bigwave got a tie and it counts as a win? I may have to drop a line to the league about this, lol. So goes my dream of getting the trophy :cry:

The player with the most bench points gets the win on a tie, if you're still tied at that point your points for (PF) will break the tie
I still don't see how a tie can count as a win. I get that the points for would come in as a tie breaker like if we were both 8-5, but Bigwave shoud be 7-5-1. I'm getting screwed out of my chance at the trophy. This just doesn't make sence to me. I earned the playoff spot, I won my game outright.
BackWoodsTracker said:
I still don't see how a tie can count as a win. I get that the points for would come in as a tie breaker like if we were both 8-5, but Bigwave shoud be 7-5-1. I'm getting screwed out of my chance at the trophy. This just doesn't make sence to me. I earned the playoff spot, I won my game outright.

Bench points is the first tie breaker, this is how bigwave won.
I thought tie breakers came in to play when two teams are 8-5, not when teams tie in a week. Otherwise why is there spot for ties in the standings? Why does San Fransisco show a tie in their record? I showed this to a few guys at work and they agree. This is set up wierd. Tie breakers should only come in to play at the end of the season if teams are say 8-5. When one team is rightfully 7-5-1, that team should not beat out a team that is 8-5. I am a numbers guy, this doesn't compute!
Backwoods, I see your point and all thou valid complaint, it is what it is. The rules were set-up at beginning and I'm sure we all over look a lot of things due to time constraints, like only 4 teams in a 14 team league making the playoffs. I chalk em up as lesson learned and we can vote on a change for next season. Hey look at it this way... You didn't lose any money!
Backwoods I explained it in the beginning that tie games where settled by bench points. We had ties last year and it all but knocked teams out of the playoffs unless they had a stellar record. As for the overall standings i think bigwave had a better divisional record thats why he got in (not sure on that ill check when i get back to my laptop) All in all though it's like panFried said "it is what it is" our league is all about bragging rights/trash talk and less about trophies or prizes.
I know I should just stop typing, this makes it look like I'm a little cry baby. I know it is what it is this year. I also feel that situations like this should be adressed now so it can be fixed in the future. When it was stated that ties were settled by the bench points, I never thought it meant tie games, just tied records to determine who makes the playoffs. I know my divisional record was pretty bad, but in any number crunchers way to look at this, I am getting screwed out of my chance for trophy/bragging/trash talk rights on this. Please understand that I am not a cry baby, I just really think that this is a bad way to run the league. A team with a tie in the season that should be 7-5-1 should not beat out a team that went 8-5-0. It just doesn't add up to this accountant/machinist!
I've had my fill of crow. I can't say I'm a big fan, so I don't do much trash talking 'til the fat lady has sung. It does look like I'll make it to the second round of the playoffs. Being a Patriots fan, I'm not looking ahead, I'm just focusing on this week's opponent. They're a tough team and I'll have to execute in every aspect of the game, and not make any mistakes...blah blah blah.
Good job Bigwave! I hope you take it all. I should be playing for it, but I guess it is what it is, lol. I wonder why San Fran and St. Loius show a tie in their records still?
Thank you, on a wing and a prayer now....you know I actually tried to trade for Foster a while back....good move to keep him half-baked......you have a solid team. I still cant believe that I am in the Super Bowl. [-o< [-o< [-o<
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