Ban on Lead Bullets and using lead in weights / lures ?

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nathanielrthomas said:
Well im no scientist or politician, so I cant prove the therory of global warming, but i do have proof that lead jacks people up. Whether it come from sinkers, shot shells, or paint chips in this case, lead isnt for human(or animal) consumption.

:roflmao: :roflmao:
nathanielrthomas said:
Well im no scientist or politician, so I cant prove the therory of global warming, but i do have proof that lead jacks people up. Whether it come from sinkers, shot shells, or paint chips in this case, lead isnt for human(or animal) consumption.

Hey that's my friends boat...let me know where it is so we can take the family out wakeboarding on it this weekend!!! I think that is a 1988 037 DumassTracker :lol:
bassboy has the right of it. It isn't that something doesn't happen on this planet. What is important to realize is man is just because something is going on around the planet doesn't me we should allow politicians of any sort to manipulate or panic us thereby allowing them to manipulate us politically to do things they want.

Instead, take a cynical view of what they're saying, investigate independently and think for oneself. Remember Joseph Goebbel, the Reich Minister of Propoganda of WWII Nazi Germany once said: "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Nothing has changed since he made that statement and maneuvering a truth to support a falsehood has happened more than once on this planet.
bassboy1 said:
We may have just turned this political, and get this thread pulled, but I'm going to answer anyway.

Global warming, by definition, does exist. The problem is that the accepted meaning of global warming is actually "manmade global warming." The former does exist, the latter, not so much. While it has been proven that while the earth is warming, it is a cycle that it does it on it's own, and has long before people were making greenhouse gases. What we are seeing is a natural warming cycle, which will be followed by a natural cooling cycle. Humans living on this earth are not affecting it either way. That is what has been proven, debunking the manmade global warming.

I'm going to let someone else work on the first part.

Yes I know the earth goes through cooling and warming cycles. Could you please direct me to any type of scientific data that says the massive amounts of green house gasses that humans emit has not sped up this process? I would really like to see it and I'll eat my words if it's legit.

Studies of polar ice core samples would suggest that these gasses, CO2 in particular, and global temperature are rising at unprecedented rates and are directly correlated. CO2 levels over the last 400,000 years have not gone above 300ppm; CO2 levels are currently at 375ppm and the temps are rising at a much higher rate. More green house gasses = faster warming. It may very well be a natural cycle, but we are having an influence on it.
I not going to say that were not helping to warm up the planet....because I think we are and I also agree that the planet has it's own heating up and freezing years....
but when scientist start talking about CO2 levels 400000 years ago,I listen with alittle scepticism.Next there will be another theroy or for sure thing...the world was flat not that many years ago and theres alot more.
Zum said:
I not going to say that were not helping to warm up the planet....because I think we are and I also agree that the planet has it's own heating up and freezing years....
but when scientist start talking about CO2 levels 400000 years ago,I listen with alittle scepticism.Next there will be another theroy or for sure thing...the world was flat not that many years ago and theres alot more.

Zum you should be skeptical about such things, but the atmopheric gas levels and make up were determined from the collecting the air bubbles inside ice cores that were dated back to 400,000 years. By melting the ice they were able to unlock the trapped gasses and gain an accurate measurement of the levels of different gasses in the atmosphere at the time the ice was formed. I've read the studies, I did a research paper on the subject, and there was even a Discovery Channel show that documented how they did everything. It was all on the up and up, not government funded, and not politically motivated as far as I could tell.

The information is all out there, all you have to do is want to read/watch/listen to it.
SmallieBigs said:
Yes I know the earth goes through cooling and warming cycles. Could you please direct me to any type of scientific data that says the massive amounts of green house gasses that humans emit has not sped up this process? I would really like to see it and I'll eat my words if it's legit.
View the 4 videos at the bottom of this link. The link itself doesn't say much, but the videos are worth watching (Orange links just below the text). Ignore the above link. I posted it only because I couldn't find this one earlier.
Bassboy1 those are not scientific studies. The first link you put up there is basically opinionated garbage. Please do yourself a favor and look up ice core studies, actual studies and not biased opinion pieces. They clearly show that CO2 levels and temperature are directly correlated AND they are at the highest levels as they have been at for over 400,000 years.

The earth is warming and has been since the industrial revolution began in earnest. Yes there have been some years where the earth was a little cooler than others along the way, but overall the temperature has been and continues to be on the rise.

Again please look at actual scientific studies with an open mind and you'll see the truth.
I tend to ride the fence on things like this......... I have read about and watched tons of different scientific views on this subject, and they are all the same for both sides....
SmallieBigs said:
Bassboy1 those are not scientific studies. The first link you put up there is basically opinionated garbage. Please do yourself a favor and look up ice core studies, actual studies and not biased opinion pieces. They clearly show that CO2 levels and temperature are directly correlated AND they are at the highest levels as they have been at for over 400,000 years.

The earth is warming and has been since the industrial revolution began in earnest. Yes there have been some years where the earth was a little cooler than others along the way, but overall the temperature has been and continues to be on the rise.

Again please look at actual scientific studies with an open mind and you'll see the truth.

I'm aware that the first link was crap, and as such, when I edited, I basically said ignore it, against better judgment of deleting it. I went ahead and deleted it now.

Did you watch the videos in the second link? Especially the first two? Sure, some of it may be theory, as perchin put (as if the support for global warming is scientific law, and not theory - many things accepted as true in science are merely theories that have been tested and supported by the scientific method, but haven't yet been deemed a scientific law), but there is definitely a relevant factual basis behind it.

Remember, the mainstream media is not a reliable source of information. Much of it is indeed propaganda, and while some of the facts may be facts, they aren't always relevant to a particular argument. With that, I'm stepping out of this argument. If your mind is made up, nothing I'm going to say is going to change that.
SmallieBigs said:
If you think global warming is not real, then just do a quick search on receding glaciers and polar ice caps melting. Chunks of the antarctic ice shelf the size of rhode island melting into the sea etc. etc. I don't have a clue how you guys think that it's been "debunked". I guess if you really don't want to believe something bad enough, maybe it will go away on its own right?

I believe in global warming, it happened between the two Ice Ages. :mrgreen:

Let's get real about the hype of global warming. Its a natural cycle. Useing it to promote a politica agenda is foolish, as in only the foolish will buy into it.
Troutman3000 said:
nathanielrthomas said:
Well im no scientist or politician, so I cant prove the therory of global warming, but i do have proof that lead jacks people up. Whether it come from sinkers, shot shells, or paint chips in this case, lead isnt for human(or animal) consumption.

:roflmao: :roflmao:

I am not using lead bullets so they can walk away. :mrgreen:
SmallieBigs said:
Bassboy1 those are not scientific studies. The first link you put up there is basically opinionated garbage. Please do yourself a favor and look up ice core studies, actual studies and not biased opinion pieces. They clearly show that CO2 levels and temperature are directly correlated AND they are at the highest levels as they have been at for over 400,000 years.

The earth is warming and has been since the industrial revolution began in earnest. Yes there have been some years where the earth was a little cooler than others along the way, but overall the temperature has been and continues to be on the rise.

Again please look at actual scientific studies with an open mind and you'll see the truth.

Facts from a small sampling doesn't make it a truth for the whole.
Its like stating humans are bad people based on samples pulled from death row.
I hope it happens... cause someone will come out with cheaper tungsten weights and I can stop paying a buck each for them. plus, I've always felt paranoid about eating after fishing, because you never know what lead is going to do to your swimmers :shock:
Zum said:
...the world was flat not that many years ago and theres alot more.

And don't forget that not too far back in history it was common knowledge that the earth was the center of the universe. Galileo was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for bringing up some silly notion that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun and we are no where near the center of the universe.

History is littered with cases when man overstates his significance in the world.
Hanr3 said:
I believe in global warming, it happened between the two Ice Ages. :mrgreen:

Let's get real about the hype of global warming. Its a natural cycle. Useing it to promote a politica agenda is foolish, as in only the foolish will buy into it.

Please explain how CO2 levels are at the all time highest since as far back as can be measured, which BTW includes a few ice ages in between, and have been on an unprecedented rise since humans began burning fossil fuels en mass. It's not a small sample either I don't know where you got that one from, but ice cores have been studied extensively and the data shows time and time again how the story has played out. From the north to the south.

Bassboy1, I am not nor did I ever refer to any "mainstream media" story. I am talking about actual studies with real data. I have no political agenda. You can believe what you want, I tend to go with hard data.
This thread is being diverted by the global warming debate. Whether we have global warming/cooling whatever is something that can be debated about with both views presenting data to prove/disprove their case.

What cannot be doubted however is the fact that lead is a poison and if ingested by fish, birds or other wildlife will eventually cause death. Do we want that ?

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