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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
West Newton, PA
All through my teens, and twenties I was an avid bowler......some years, 4 leagues/week plus tournaments on weekends. I got burned-out and wasn't having fun anymore so I quit (2002). I was completely removed from bowling for 3 years, and didn't miss it one bit. Dabbled with it a little part time for 3 years by filling in for friends when they had to work. Last year, I got talked back in to joining a full time league again, and managed to get the wife to join too. Now it has become our date night, and we look forward to going every week.....and I have discovered it's fun once again.

Any other bowlers here?
shfishinsticks said:
Any other bowlers here?

Used to be - back when I was 14-28 years old (60 now), I was an avid bowler. Won Illinois state tournament when I was 15. Bowled daily when I was 16-17, then 3 years in the Army, then daily from 20 - 29 years old. Back then, my average of between 193 - 196 (depending on which league) was respectable and worthy of a pro try, (now, with the new balls, lanes, etc., 195 wouldn't make me competitive). Used an old rubber ball, not the new plastics, etc. - actually, the last ball I was using, I got as a entry gift from a Pro-Am tournament I bowed in every year - the Brunswick Open in Glen Ellyn, Ill. - that year I bowled with "Ski" Foremski, Don Johnson and Palmer Falgren in the ProAm. Used to go to Hamtramick (Detroit) and Hoinke (Cincinatti) touraments every year too.

Anyway, used to bowl in 3 or 4 scratch leagues and rolled "lineage" at my local house daily - about 10 cents a game for practice back then :) Gave it up when I started working shift work - rotating shifts, rotating days off.

About 4 years ago, I was asked to sub in a handicapped league. Started out okay (like riiding a bike) - but, now after 4 years of bowling in a mixed handicapped, only 3 games every-other week, I can't get above a 165 or so average. I'm frustrated - got no timing, no action on the ball (different lane conditions now), etc.
However, I'm okay with it cause it's fun to get out and throw a ball again :D :D Not as worried about being competative as I was in my 20's :)

So, you asked, that's my story....
My dad used to bowl the Hamtramick and Hoinke way back when. I went to the Hoinke a few times. Never did any good, but liked to bowl the heavy wood.

When I first started it was only rubber, plastic and urethane. I've since graduated to the reactive equipment. I believe also that technology has made a lot of bowlers look better than what they really are. It has helped me to score better, but I have always had a solid game.
shfishinsticks said:
My dad used to bowl the Hamtramick and Hoinke way back when. I went to the Hoinke a few times. Never did any good, but liked to bowl the heavy wood.

When I first started it was only rubber, plastic and urethane. I've since graduated to the reactive equipment. I believe also that technology has made a lot of bowlers look better than what they really are. It has helped me to score better, but I have always had a solid game.

Yeah, although I haven't been around the game much the last 30 years, I can definately see the major diference in the reactive balls, lane conditions, etc., just in the 6 games a month I'm at the ally...... A 190 bowler with rubber and wood 30 plus years ago, would be around 220 now I think??

I threw a reactive ball a few weeks ago from a guy I was bowling against - my straight up, 10th board shot hooked into the left gutter ---- Wow, what a diference... would take some getting used to for sure..... My shot is basically like a Dick Webber, straight up shot - never threw a cranker....
I bowl in 2 leagues a week on men's and the other is a mixed that i bowl with the wife. the new balls that are out do make the game easier i am sitting at 223 in my men's league and 210 in the mixed.. I can pretty much a stroker but i can crank it if needed
Used to rip the cover off the ball. Wrist, elbow and shoulder can't take it anymore. I'm more of a power stroker or a tweener now. I have a little too much hand to play up 10. I swing more like 15 to 10, but can play deeper if need be.

Nice shooting redbug. I'm @ 204 right now......booked 207 last season.