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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Clarksville Arkansas
i found a shimano bantam magnumlite 2200fs in my granparents garage brand new in the box. the warranty paper says 1988, but does anybody know anything about this reel?
If its what im thinking it is, many compainies came out with very similar reels after these came out, including quantums 1310's, i cant remeber what daiwa called theres but im almost positive they got one thats very similar too. I think the oldest ones were just plain metal and the newer ones painted black. I know someone who still uses one of the oldest ones. Nice find
Don't really know much about them, but just ran a "google" on them and found a few pics....


I have a Bantum B-Mag1001(left hand retrieve) sitting in my top drawer, It was one of the first BC's that I've owned, Its a lower level Shimano, I bought mine for around $50 at K-Mart, being a 2200 its probably bigger than mine, does the thumb bar sit on the side of the reel instead of under it? Its a decent little reel for the price, nice find.
Don't know much about that specific reel but its a great find. I have the schematics if you want them. Probably a collectors item, being so old and in new condition. You could probably sell it on ebay for a decent price if you desired to get rid of it. Or hold on to it as a keepsake. With all the modern technology in reels today, it probably would not be beneficial to use it. I would hold on to it or sell it.