I almost NEVER, EVER get sick. I think that after my son got out of the elementary school time frame of bringing home every cold that blew through his school (darn parents sending sick kids to school rather than take a few days off) I was sick with a cold maybe twice in the last 15+ years or so.
But with me going on 66 I figured it couldn't hurt and for the first time this year and I researched it as best I can and I got the flu shot and the first of the two pneumonia shots. My previous company was in the maritime business and encouraged us to get every reasonable vaccination so I'm up with Hep A, and B, as well as tetanus.
Crazyboat, that's not entirely correct about one strain being in the vaccine. The WHO tries to "guess" which strain is most prevalent and likely to occur in the northern hemisphere based on the strains found in the southern hemisphere during their flu season and that one is generally the main target, but there are others that offer more protection with up to four strains.
I'm guessing that the southern hemisphere flu season precedes ours and it's a good barometer of what's likely to occur here in our flu season that follows.
As far as effectiveness goes, If I'm 60% less likely to get the flu, I liken that to crossing a busy road where I may be 60% (not a real number just a hypothetical reference) less likely to be hit by a car by crossing at the intersection with the correct light status. I'll take those odds
Everything I read states that you cannot get sick from the flu shot. I got the typical symptoms, low grade fever was the worst.
So, ask your doctor which flu shot you are getting and how many strains you are getting protection from.