Neither. I just hold it with my hands kinda like Ving Rhames in the movie Piranhas 3D. Just kiddin, its bolted and clamped. Its only bolted because its on a jackplate. 25hp Evinrude.
Mine is just clamped. I don't ser the point of bolting unless it is a non Tiller motor or its at least 40 hp or more. Why bolt a 15 hp on a boat? Security reasons?
in case your clamps come loose. you will either end up with a running motor in your boat or be missin a motor. a 15 might not be need to be bolted but its peace of mind
2 Hp Honda -clamped/steel-cable/padlocked (no holles for bolts...,but i will rig a wrap around clamp with bolts),
25 Hp Honda -clamped/bolted/locked by ABUS/McGard :wink:
Dan 8)