new to tins :)

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so.... a few set backs today!!!! :(

powered up the compressor to try a few practice runs on some rivets!!!! ah yes the rivets arrived to day!!!

so i did learn i need a solid pice of hardened steel as a bucking bar! i tried few out with a small pice of steel tube that had a round to it.... they come out a little off to one side.... so I'm off to the scrap yard to morrow to pick up a pice of 3'' x 2'' x 1' solid steel!!!
i think it will do the trick...

any other suggestions on bucking bars will be gladly taken...some of the rivets are in some sharp 90* corners and i want the steel to sit flush in there on the back of the rivet.

so back to the set backs....

snow !!! lots of snow!!!!

second the air hammer i got ended up having a slight crack in the seal. took it back got another one and it was good to go!

got a good sanding on the transom ply! and will give it its final coat tomorrow and hopefully draw out how i am going to cut the new transom shape. once done i will then re-glue the seams and then a few more slops of poly and ill have that under way!

hopefully a buddy of mine will hopefully be up on sunday to help with the rivet action. i will do some video of it. i hope it helps some one else out down the road (i know i was very unsure on how's do's and do not's etc.) being so new to this as to how it was meant to be done.

more photos to come!

thanks for the support on all my questions regarding the rivets and tools etc!

more tomorrow!!!!


I use a four pound sledge as my bucking bar. Just takes some getting used to but it works.
nice. thats good to know....

i got a solid pice of steel today. nice strait and clean edges.

gonna start a few rivets later today and some tomorrow also.
got a quick questions on the bucking / riveting process.

the few i tried last night.... it did seam to take a fair bit of pressure on both sides ( the air hammer end and the bucking end. is this normal? or should they be smushing right up in just a few seconds?

the few i tried i felt good about. and i don't doubt they wont hold/seal with a small dab of 5200 as i put each one in (i will also be using gulvit on the inside of the hull).... just curious to know how others find it. and there work around the rivet/bucking process.


looks good I'm right in the middle of my alumicraft project .got a lot done this weekend . pic to come . keep me posted on urs good luck
have fun
so i got a lot done today.... transom ply cut and sealed , started on the rivets. and even started playing about with how i might have the floor plan.... as of now here is one quick photo of the transom end layout.

a few things to change... but for the most part this will work for me! (for now)


the lower 2 rectangles are going to be lights.

the circle on the left is beverage holder.

the rectangle on the first step up is where im going to mount a short swivel seat post.

the square to the right of that is going to be my switch panel for lights, B pump etc etc.

the bight long rectangle is going to be a hatch access for gas, B pump and any extras. Batteries are gonna be up front of boat.

cheers. more to come soon!
