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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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hey whats goin on fellas anyone here into fishing for big flats up here in the notheast of the states in from pittsburgh and have been strickly looking for flatheads in the 3 rivers we have here.. so where do you fish and whats your personal best fish and choice of bait...

ohio river/ avator fish est 38lbs a lil over 4' long caught on a large sucker!!!
Can't say I know anything about fishin for flatheads up your way,I have fished for for them in ponds mostly but I guess i'm pretty much a bass man. My favorites are kentuckys (sootted) and of course large and smallmouth are real high on the liost too!!I fish a 22,000 acre lake in Arkansas that is also in Missouri (Lake Norfork) It's a great lake to fish but it's usually clear as can be with little cover so fishing can be quite a bit of a challenge.I guess that's why have so many tournaments there,anyway as long as it's water and it's got fish in's all good!! :mrgreen:
I'm sure somebody on here knows a little somethin about flats up your way,good luck!!
Hey Kat im only about 2 hours out of your way in Columbus, Ohio see your in pittsburgh (GO BROWNS!) HAHA. Dont know much bout flat heads up around that way though. Most of my experience is walleyes,saug's, catfish, and bass.

Im not sure though i havent seen many people on this site from our area, none from ohio. Ill be up near cleveland quite a bit this summer maybe ill run into you.

Quackrstackr said:
Close to 60lbs.

Favorite bait: a pair of mechanic's gloves. :wink:


Are you doing any off-season training, like maybe jerking a set of barbells out of a submerged drainage pipe just to keep in practice, lol? :wink:
Waterwings said:

Are you doing any off-season training, like maybe jerking a set of barbells out of a submerged drainage pipe just to keep in practice, lol? :wink:

I've been slinging big bags of duck and goose decoys over into the boat and the back of the truck all winter in preparation. :lol:

June will be here before you know it.
We flathead fish in and around Philadelphia I know Mr. Fish has caught a few in the 40 lb range

My PB flathead is around 15 lbs