Smackdaddy's "Pole Dancer" 1652 Polar Kraft flush deck jet b

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Not much more left to do. Just a few finishing touches and it will be done for now. Took a few photos this evening for yall.
Not much left to do? Well if you run out of things get started on that trailer! ;) No really, looks great man!
DrNip said:
Not much left to do? Well if you run out of things get started on that trailer! ;) No really, looks great man!
I'm having a new aluminum one built but for now that one will work. It has a new 3500# lowboy axle under it and the frame is 3/16" Galvanized C Channel. It had a 21 foot ShallowSport on it and I picked it up for $400.
I am going to run the boat tomorrow and end the thread. There is nothing more to add. I hope the thread gives some others ideas as others threads gave me ideas to fuel the fire. Interest is gone, no big deal, just two years in the making. I hope the last post is a good one.
Wow.. I hate to see this thread go by the wayside. It's held my interest ever since I've been on this site as a looky loo.
Congrats on your build and may you have many many wonderful hours on the Pole Dancer. I've learned a lot from you and everyone else that has participated in this thread. Awesome stuff. =D> =D> =D>
So.... Whats the next project? ;)
Just removed carbs and cleaned them even though they were nearly spotless. Got her assembled, mixed some fuel, primed the fuel system and she fired right up. About to go to the local lake and take the maiden voyage and see how she runs. I am stoked! I will post some video links and pictures tonight.
Got her wet and the motor ran great but did not have time to make and height or tilt adjustments. It feels underpowered but I have not given up until I mess with motor height and all that.
We need pics on the water! GREAT job with the build Smack!! Seriously keep us posted with how it works, everyone loves boat porn!
I got transom wedges and a splash plate fabbed up and installed. I will be running her tomorrow if the weather permits.
I am seriously thinking about re-powering with a 90 but we will see.
I found a fully rebuilt 90 hp Merc 2 Stroke with a 4 year warranty and another mechanic wants my 60. New motors are crazy expensive and I have a little boy due in January. I figure going for the larger motor with a warranty that is compatible with my existing controls is the way to go.
I put the deposit down on my Mercury 90 Monday morning and will be picking it up October 17th. The next two things on my list are a Bobs hydraulic jack plate to take the place of my manual plate and a set of adjustable 9x9" Lenco trim tabs. Doing away with the jet and just putting a 10" setback jackplate on her to feed the prop some clean water. It should push my hull in the upper 40mph range but we will see. Hole shot is what I am after so a cupped 4 blade prop is in order.
This is what I love about building a boat, plans change on the fly.