5 mph max on swivl-eze?


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Nov 21, 2013
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NC Mountains
Does anyone use these type seat bases for going faster than 5 mph (full speed)?

I thought I had everything figured out for my layout but if I cant use this type that will change what I need to do.

Any similar alternative that has a pretty much flush mounting plate left after post removal that can be used a high (25 mph) speeds?

Their fine for going fast. The pedestal poles will hold fine so will the seat bases. My dad has them on his Skeeter SX200 bass boat; we've ran 60+ mph with no problems even in rough water. We have the 3/4 threaded bases & poles; I'm not for sure if the pin bases & poles will stay in rough water that's why I chose threaded bases & poles. Now the seat bases will stay in place; never saw one come off. We don't leave them on trailering just because of road grime, bugs, etc...
As long as the seat is in the base you'll be OK. I think it's when you have the pole in the base and the seat in the pole you have to maintain low speed. To much leverage when that seat is in the air.
I have the pin type, and have left the pole and seat in place while towing on the road and going down the lake with no ill effects. No one was sitting in the seats while going down the lake as common sense says no to that IMO. I think the 5mph rule is for someone seated in the elevated seats while under way.
I have the pin type, 2 bases in the floor and 1 on each deck. I leave the fishing seats on the decks while running mostly because they won't come out when the rubber heats up. I also have regular seats in the floor on poles people ride on. Have run 45mph across the lake in heavy chop in a flat bottom boat with no problems. Although I do not remember what brand mine are , just know they are the pin type.
Sorry y'all I should have clarified this better but I need something to use as seating while underway and the posts would be used.

I want to remove all three benches and have a flat floor without a deck and use 1, 2 or 3 seats depending on who is going. I want the totally open floor for max flexibility as I do a lot of different types of fishing.
Not to change the subject, but I hope you have plans to replace the bracing that the bench seats provide after you remove the benches. I have run my boat about 25 mph with a passenger sitting on the front deck seat (pin type post), but that was in fairly smooth to small chop water.
Not just the bracing but the foam too - unless you run on super calm @$$ hole free water where the yuppies won't buzz you in their off-shore cruisers. I've swamped a boat being an @$$ myself once - and the foam is the only thing keeping your prized gear, boat and motor from the bottom of the lake.

If you use the home depot board stuff make sure you use the extruded type - this has a closed cell structure and won't retain water. Be careful - if you spill gasoline on any polystyrene board (extruded or otherwise) it will turn into basically napalm and be worthless. Ideally you should use a 2 part expanding urethane marine foam.
Bracing and foam will be accounted for. I'm planning on something very similar to this.

Instead of spray in foam, I am thinking pool noodles to fit the odd shaped areas and foam sheeting for the flatter areas.

Dustin used the pin bases similar to what I am talking about in his build. I was wanting to use an offset post in the back so I can go from centered to off-center depending on what I'm doing.

The areas I fish generally have very little chop naturally. Boat wakes would be the main wave action.
I've got the offset posts for both the front and back of my boat and I love them. That 4" of additional turning radius makes a huge difference on a small boat.

In the build you referenced you will see he has angled supports anchored toward the gunwales and the floor - easiest seen in the picture with the fish-finder. Make sure you do something similar if you're following his design as the drop-in floor does nothing for you unless the sides are tied into it.

Boat wakes around here are the biggest problem. I'm often out on Candlewood Lake in CT and the richy riches love to put 26' + off-shore cruising boats on a 5k acre inland lake and zoom around way too close with no respect for the small boats out there.
Yep I'll be doing angle iron braces very similar to the build I linked to.

So I see a couple votes in favor of over 5 mph use of the swivl-eze 3/4" pin post/bases..... does anyone have any horror stories?

It seems like the worst case is boat motion with weight on them causing the post to bend and/or ripping the base off of the deck. I plan on reinforcing the area around the base, and if the post bend (not likely in my opinion) then I'll replace it, no big deal. I guess also they could bounce out, but I don't see that as a strong possibility for my usage.
For use while underway something like in the link below will be better than using the pin mount with pedestal installed. I use a 13" pedestal on my bow deck, and rear bench while fishing. I've reinforced them with 1" x 1" angle. Works well while trolling and fishing, but there is NO way I'd use it while underway. Just doesn't seem safe to me at all. We do use the one on the rear bench while underway, but without the pedestal installed. You'd probably rip up your floor/deck like a tuna can before you'd bend a pedestal or base. Either way, not something I'd want to risk when you can get the proper bases/pedestals.


And I got all my bases and pedestal from this site. Saved me a good bit, and the cosmetic damage to everything I got was barely noticeable and even non-existent on some items. Wouldn't hestitate to order from there again. FWIW, I have one similar to the link as my driving seat. Love it. SUPER sturdy and it fishes well also.
Thanks for that link. Good stuff there at good prices.

I'm wondering about what you said regarding ripping up the deck. I agree that it would be the weak point in the whole seating setup I'm wanting to do. However, I don't see how the 3/4" bases and the 238 series bases would be much different in that regard... They both have a similar sized footprint. Either one would need to be reinforced from below with an aluminum or thin plywood deck/floor.

I know they rate these things at 5mph for a reason. Just trying to wrap my head around it.

I really want a near-flush base so when the pedestal is removed its not a major tripping hazard. Also I really like the offset post available in the 3/4" pin series for use at the drivers position, although I suppose that could be resolved by mounting two bases (one for fishing one for driving).
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=354960#p354960 said:
fishjunky » Today, 09:01[/url]"]I know they rate these things at 5mph for a reason. Just trying to wrap my head around it.
they aren't strong enough to hold 300# of bubba while the boat is bouncing around on a plane, so the manufacturers put the 5 mph rating

would you use a chain with a 500# rating to lift a ton? same idea

as long as you don't use a pedestal, the 3/4" pin stuff would probably be ok, but if anything fails and you aren't following the directions, the manufacturer will not be liable at all. so make sure you have good health insurance just in case.
[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=354718#p354718 said:
dhoganjr » 04 Jun 2014, 20:26[/url]"]I have the pin type, 2 bases in the floor and 1 on each deck. I leave the fishing seats on the decks while running mostly because they won't come out when the rubber heats up. I also have regular seats in the floor on poles people ride on. Have run 45mph across the lake in heavy chop in a flat bottom boat with no problems. Although I do not remember what brand mine are , just know they are the pin type.

I should have mentioned mine are screwed into braces that are welded to the cross ribs of the hull Making them stronger than most. I also have 28" sides and its 85" across the beam, so at the most you would slip in the bottom of the boat if one broke.


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They have 5mph limitation for a reason.

The pole will break or bend if the boat changes speed or direction with some authority while an occupant is on the seat. There is a lot of leverage working against a puny 3/4" pin. Figure a 200lb person and 18" away from the pin....doesn't take much to bust one. That's why they say 5mph.

Funny (but serious) story. GF and I were fishing a well known cold water stream not far from here. We went down to a shoal, that I can't (won't) cross with my war eagle due to the current and rocks. It's a class 3 rapids. Great for a kayak or even an experienced canoe'r. But not for a flat bottom. A couple guys motored past us and headed right for it, they looked like they knew what they were doing. Next thing I knwo they're hollering, the boat is nowhere to be found, gas tank floating, and a bunch of normal fishing stuff floating downstream. I couldn't get to them no matter what I did....so my girlfriend and I hauled booty up to the first dock to use a phone; which was about 3/4 mile upstream. I opened the throttle up and ran wide open, water was up so dragging the bottom wasn't an issue. The motor died....no warning, it just STOPPED. As it came off plane the motor dragged the rocky bottom and, well my GF was sitting in the front seat, elevated and turned kind of sideways looking back at me; and out the front of the boat she went into the 40-something degree water. It was only about 2 feet deep so she just stood up and got back into the boat, no big deal (how the boat didn't run over her I don't know) but the seat pole broke off at the top of the 3/4" pin base. The pin was still in the base. The seat and remainder of the pole went into the water with her. We were running probably 20 mph.

We were pretty lucky...I never did see or hear anything about them boys that went under at the shoal. Nothing in the news so I guess they made it?
Dang... well that settles it then. I'll get the heavier duty ones when the time comes. thanks turbotodd
I hadn't though about the pin flat out shearing off like that... in retrospect that does seem like the weak point

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