Fish finder mounting?

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Feb 7, 2013
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Hey y'all my names mike I'm new to this site and to boating. I had a question , I just bought a 1436 Jon and I am interested in purchasing and mounting. Fish finder somewhere in the back. I don't hve a raised deck or anything easy to mount one on so u was wondering I you guys wouldn't mind posting pics of your fish finder / depth finder an how you have them mounted at the rear of the boat. I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Welcome aboard, Mike. You will find a number of options for mounting, many of which are discussed frequently. There is a topic "where to mount fish finder" that was very recently posted on this forum and has a number of suggestions. You might also use the search function for something like "fish finder mount" and get pages of discussion. Glad you are here and do keep us posted on your progress. Rick
I believe the recent post he was talking about. I finally settled on partially skinning the side of the boat back my the rear bench on the opposite side that I sit on while running the outboard. I mounted my electrical box, onboard charger and my fish finder on there. I bought a RAM trolling motor stabilizer on sale for 25 bucks and modified it to mount my fish finder on. With the RAM I can have it at just under eye level and just off to the left while I am running down the lake and also lay it down to get it out of the way when not in use. I have been hurrying to finish up everything on the boat before the crappie start biting so I don't have any pictures up, but I will soon.
After using a portable the last few years i've realized that I like the ff and rod in my line of site... and I usually have company in the boat, so I'm mounting mine across and in front of where I sit so that i can keep one eye on the ff, rod, (and direction of travel) and one on my mates. When I had the ff and/or rod holder behind me i end up ignoring my fishing partners or i'm chatting and i don't notice my ff readings or rod "hits" as fast.

i'm working on a base mounted to a spring mount from a wise seat mount. i figure i can move it around from seat base to seat base depending on where i'm sitting in the boat and whether the wife is with me .she likes to watch the ff like a tv :LOL2: i will have a battery mounted to the base and also a separate line directly to the switch panel.i'm still working it out in my head,but i think i've got a bead on it.
I considered using a Scotty ff mount and then in theory I could move it between from Scotty rod holders, but I decided that if I mount it in the middle of the boat the swivel on the ff should be enough for the tv watchers.
I finally got the boat out on the water today to test out the set-up and I can sit in the front of my boat and clearly see my 5" screen FF that is mounted in the back of the boat, so I am satisfied. The only thing that is a pain is if I want to head to a spot I have marked or change views I have to go back there to do that, but I really should spend more time catching fish then playing with the FF.....if only the fish would cooperate!