Rebuilding a 416 Savage JABIRU

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Active member
Jul 20, 2013
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G'day fellas
I'm new to the site and must say there is a host of things to red about and some real good ideas from the boat buil section that I can incorperate into my Barra boat down here
I have recently purchased a Savage JABIRU 416 Vnose punt and I'm in the process of stripping it down and building it back up so as it suits my style of barramundi fishing and using it to catch mud crabs as well
I'll post up the pics of the strip down and where I'm up to so far
Shaun (from downunder Australia )

The boat as it was when purchased
punt 1.JPG
punt 2.JPG
punt 4.JPG
punt 5.JPG
The strip down and strip the floor out
Some one fitted the floor with steel tek screw and they were a lot of fun to get out
as you can see by what is left on the bottom of the hull the wood floor was not much good
punt 6.JPG
Next was stipping the layers of paint off with aircraft stipper and a high preasure water blaster
punt 7.JPG
I went out and bought a couple of sheets of 3mm alluminum checker plate to make the floor and new casting decks out of
and that's pretty much of where I'm up to at the moment
punt 8.JPG
[url= said:
Jonboat Jerry » 22 Jul 2013, 10:48[/url]"]Nice work Shaun! Keep those pics coming and welcome to Tin Boats!
Jerry :)
Thanks Jerry
Didn't get a lot done today as my little 4X4 truck done an axle bearing so replacing both rear axle bearings and brake shoes became the next priority on the little ladies honey do list
I did mange to get the young fellas to drag the tinny off the trailer and stand it up against the boat shelter so as I could power wash the rest of the debris from the rotten floor out of it
punt 10.JPG
[url= said:
zipperer » 22 Jul 2013, 18:28[/url]"]What are mud crabs and what size is the boat.

G'day there Zipperer
Mud crab are a terrifying beast that will take your hand off at the wrist if not handled properly LOL there are many people walking around in the Territory here minus fingers and toes
They are a crab that live in the mangroves of the tropical north of Australia and are considered a delicacy
I will elaborate more on them in posts to come in the future
I forget that America is still using the imperial measurement system that we stopped using here in 1965
The tinny is 14ft long and 62 inches wide
Here's some pics of mudcrabs

Some crabs cooking around the camp fire
mudcrab 1.jpg
The claw is considered the best bit to eat
mudcrab 2.JPG
Here's a pic of one on a box of beer
mudcrab 3.jpg
Nice looking boat, What size is that motor, it looks like my old 3cylinder 25. Don't get rid of the motor they will run forever. That is one huge crab.
bigwave said:
That is one huge crab.
+2 That crab looks scary big and a meal in itself!
It reminds me of a movie quote "Were going to need a bigger Kettle (boat)"
Jerry :)
[url= said:
bigwave » 23 Jul 2013, 08:41[/url]"]Nice looking boat, What size is that motor, it looks like my old 3cylinder 25. Don't get rid of the motor they will run forever. That is one huge crab.

Motor is an old 30hp 3 cylinder and runs as sweet as,I must get around to cleaning it up and put a new water pump in
Had a little cavitation problem so I fitted a hydrofoil but have not had a chance to try it out as yet
It could use a bigger prop to ,I'll look into that when I get it back on the water

punt 13.JPG
It's funny even before I read the G day,just the look of the boat made me think of Australia.
Your cleaning her up nice and that 3cyl is one tough little motor,well liked up here.
I didn't think those crabs were that big,that claws the size of a 2/3 lbs(1.5kg) lobster.

Thanks for pictures...
[url= said:
Zum » 23 Jul 2013, 22:22[/url]"]It's funny even before I read the G day,just the look of the boat made me think of Australia.
Your cleaning her up nice and that 3cyl is one tough little motor,well liked up here.
I didn't think those crabs were that big,that claws the size of a 2/3 lbs(1.5kg) lobster.

Thanks for pictures...
Been getting 10 to12 big crabs every time we go out lately and they weigh on average 2kg(4.4 lbs)
They cost $25-dollars a kg live weight in the shops
I bought one of those Dual Saws today to cut the aluminum sheeting
They are a weapon of mass destruction,hot chips of metal and sh@t flying all around the place
They cut it like a hot knife going through butter in a straight line but don't like going around corners
I was toying with the idea of putting a 4 stroke on the boat but the cost of a 40hp is sure going to put a lot of fuel in that 2 stroke with a lot less hassle than I will get out of the 4 stroke I feel
I'll be keeping that motor big one but I would like to come to the United States and Canada one day I have relations in both

Got a bit of work done on the tinny today
Cut the battery box's out of the front seat and cut the back seat down to accommodate the two fuel tanks
The new dual saw I bought is a beast,makes cutting the aluminum very easy
Still deciding on weather I will use those 2 or just buy a new 12 gallon tank,they want $200-dollars for one here in Australia

punt 16.JPG
punt 17.JPG
What kind of paint would you recommend for painting the inside bottom of the boat?
I was leaning towards using a two pack paving paint
I used spray on bedliner on mine, works just fine. Some people bite the bullet and put steelflex on the inside and outside, depends on how much you want to spend. A good ole rattle can paint will work too as long as you fix any leaks you may have.
[url= said:
bigwave » 26 Jul 2013, 08:16[/url]"]I used spray on bedliner on mine, works just fine. Some people bite the bullet and put steelflex on the inside and outside, depends on how much you want to spend. A good ole rattle can paint will work too as long as you fix any leaks you may have.

Have not been able to find steelflex over here,I will check into bedliner
Amazing ! a stainless steel tek screw is only 14 cents in Dallas Texas ,over here the same screw costs me 99 cents each
The difference in price is incredible
That is because special engineering goes into making the screws work up side down in your country........ :mrgreen:
I've been quiet on here for a few days
I have been getting a bit done but have hit a snag with my welder not wanting to play the game fairly ,I'm taking it to the experts today to see if it is the welder that's the problem or fluctuations in power
Managed to pick up epoxy paint for the outside of the hull and aluminum angle and pipe for the deck superstructure and handrails
Both my wife and I are disabled these days from too many years of hard work so I need to build hand rails fairly high so as we don't end up swimming with the crocadiles and to keep them off the boat as they teach them to jump where we are up hereI'll post some more pics as progress moves along on the project
Here's a pic of how they teach them to jump (scarey stuff for fishermen/women)He has one leg missing ,I don't want to meet the croc that took it
Got the welder going properly and spent the last couple of days doing the ribs for the floor and setting up for the casting decks
Will have to give it a rest for the next couple of days,it's going to take me some time this project but I can't wait to get it finished
Picked up the bases and posts for the seats but it will be a while before I'm ready to fit them
here's a couple of picks of the framework for the decks so far

punt 20.JPG
punt 21.JPG